libtextworker 0.1.4
Cross-platform, free and open library for Python projects
Packaging libtextworker

Git submodule

If needed, you can include libtextworker as a git submodule. Use a specific commit, or checkout to a branch/tag.

Load the package from a different location

Modify sys.path or use import-helper tools such as importlib or imptools on Pypi. This is helpful to load the right library version/test features.

Packaging with PyInstaller

Use the following flag:

--add-data "<absolute path to the library>"<separator>"<where you want to place>"


  • <absolute path to the library>: Where libtextworker is installed.
  • <separator>: According to the PyInstaller document, you will use ; if you're on Windows, otherwise use :.
  • <where you want to place>: The location of the library when it is packed with PyInstaller.

You can use this with other packages too.

Packaging with for-Pypi build systems

Just like any packages else.