libtextworker 0.1.4
Cross-platform, free and open library for Python projects

◆ __init__()

def libtextworker.get_config.GetConfig.__init__ (   this,
dict[str] | str | None  config,
str  file,
**  kwds 
A customized INI file parser.
@param config (dict[str] or str) : Your stock settings, used to reset the file or do some comparisions
@param file : Configuration file
@param **kwds : To pass to configparser.ConfigParser (base class)

When initialized, GetConfig loads all default configs (from config parameter) and store it in
a dictionary for further actions (backup/restore file).

@since 0.1.3: Allow config parameter as a str object
@since 0.1.4: JSON support, allow config parameter to be None, file system watch

Definition at line 55 of file