libtextworker 0.1.4
Cross-platform, free and open library for Python projects
Installing libtextworker

The latest version of this library is 0.1.3.

You will need:

  • Python 3 or higher with pip installed - get it from Only tested on Python 3.11 which is my daily-driver for now
  • Basic Python programming knowledge - this is not really a project for beginners

Available packages

With the 0.1.3 release, we have these following packages:

  1. libtextworker: The smallest package, ideal for command-line projects
  2. libtextworker[autocolor]: Autocolor (depends on the system's color) support for GUI apps
  3. libtextworker[tkinter]: Install requirements for Tkinter support
  4. libtextworker[wx]: Same as libtextworker[tkinter], but for wxPython
  5. libtextworker[all]: Everything above

Note: For the application autocolor support, the support is OS-dependent:

  • Windows 10 1607+
  • macOS 10.14
  • Linux/BSD with at least GTK3?

'Auto color' means getting the current OS color scheme (dark/light) and eventually apply that to the interface.


libtextworker is available on:

Install from source:

$ pip install .
$ # Or
$ pip install .[things here as you wish]
$ # Or
$ poetry install .[things here too]

From Pypi:

$ pip install libtextworker[blahblah]
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